Thread: PGCon 2015 call for papers - reminder

PGCon 2015 call for papers - reminder

Dan Langille
PGCon 2015 will be on 18-19 June 2015 at University of Ottawa.

* 16-17 (Tue-Wed) tutorials
* 18-19 (Thu-Fri) talks - the main part of the conference
* 20 (Sat) The Unconference (very popular)

PLEASE NOTE: PGCon 2015 is in June.


We are now accepting proposals for the main part of the conference (18-19 June).
Proposals can be quite simple. We do not require academic-style papers.

You have about two weeks left before submissions close.

If you are doing something interesting with PostgreSQL, please submit
a proposal.  You might be one of the backend hackers or work on a
PostgreSQL related project and want to share your know-how with
others. You might be developing an interesting system using PostgreSQL
as the foundation. Perhaps you migrated from another database to
PostgreSQL and would like to share details.  These, and other stories
are welcome. Both users and developers are encouraged to share their

Here are a some ideas to jump start your proposal process:

- novel ways in which PostgreSQL is used
- migration of production systems from another database
- data warehousing
- tuning PostgreSQL for different work loads
- replication and clustering
- hacking the PostgreSQL code
- PostgreSQL derivatives and forks
- applications built around PostgreSQL
- benchmarking and performance engineering
- case studies
- location-aware and mapping software with PostGIS
- The latest PostgreSQL features and features in development
- research and teaching with PostgreSQL
- things the PostgreSQL project could do better
- integrating PostgreSQL with 3rd-party software

Both users and developers are encouraged to share their experiences.

The schedule is:

1 Dec 2014 Proposal acceptance begins
19 Jan 2015 Proposal acceptance ends
19 Feb 2015 Confirmation of accepted proposals

NOTE: the call for lightning talks will go out very close to the conference.
Do not submit lightning talks proposals until then.

See also <>

Instructions for submitting a proposal to PGCon 2015 are available
from: <>

Dan Langille