Thread: pg_stat_kcache 1.0 released

pg_stat_kcache 1.0 released

Thomas Reiss
pg_stat_kcache 1.0 released

pg_stat_kcache is a small PostgreSQL extension that gathers statistics
from the kernel's filesystem layer regarding how many reads have
actually hit the disk. It uses the getrusage() system call to gather
this metric which is only available since Linux 2.6.22.

This module provides an easy way to determine if the operating system
cache is working efficiently.  It must be started with PostgreSQL and
thus has to be loaded by shared_preload_libraries. See the documentation
for instructions on compiling and installing. The extension is usable as
is with PostgreSQL 9.1 and later. It should work with older versions
with some minor tweaking.

Feel free to provide any feedback.

For further details, please head to the github repository:


Thomas Reiss -