Thread: direct_cp 1.0.0 is released!

direct_cp 1.0.0 is released!

Mitsumasa KONDO
Hi all,

Last week, we released direct_cp that is archiving WAL command without waste file caches.
In general, archiving WAL copy cause less performance, because it creates a lot of not re-accessed OS file caches. To use direct_cp, OS file caches are more efficiently used in PostgreSQL. It can easy to use that replace cp command with direct_cp at archive command in postgresql.conf.

* Install package is under following.

* Performance test in archive mode is under following.
direct_cp can realize better performance than normal cp command. 

* Online manual is under following.

This software is BSD License.
Please apply it to your postgres with archiving mode.

Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center