Thread: Postgres-XC will have user/developer meeting after the cluster summit, Ottawa

Postgres-XC will have user/developer meeting after the cluster summit, Ottawa

Koichi Suzuki
Hi, PG-XCers;

Postgres-XC is going to have its first user/developer meeting after the cluster summit.   Information is as follows:

When: May 21st, Tuesday, 3PM to 6PM.
Where: University of Ottawa.   Room TBD.
* Topics in Version 1.1
* Roadmap toward version 1.2 and beyond
* Development Issues
* Experiences

Also, further discussion could be held on Wednesday, 22nd and/or Saturday, 25th.    Details will be determined on Tuesday.

I do hope you can join.   Please feel free to register yourself and add our topics to discuss.   If you have difficulty to do it. please mail to me.

Thank you very much;
Koichi Suzuki