Thread: AnySQL Maestro 13.2 released

AnySQL Maestro 13.2 released

"SQL Maestro Group"

SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro 13.2, a powerful
tool for managing any database engine accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB
provider (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Access, etc). The new
version is immediately available at

AnySQL Maestro comes in both Freeware and Professional editions. The feature
matrix can be found at

Top 10 new features:

 1. The software has been optimized to work with some popular DBMS including
 2. Updated Connection String Reference.
 3. Enhanced Get SQL Dump wizard.
 4. New Start Page with quick access to recently connected databases and
latest company news.
 5. Improved SQL Editor.
 6. Highlighted key and required columns and multi-column lookup editors in
the data grids.
 7. Data import from CSV files containing multi-line strings.
 8. Data Export: support for custom separators.
 9. Colored profiles in Database Explorer.
10. New modern progress windows.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor
improvements and corrections have been made. Full press-release (with
explaining screenshots) is available at:

Background information:
SQL Maestro Group offers complete database admin and management tools for
MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere, SQLite,
Firebird and MaxDB providing the highest performance, scalability and
reliability to meet the requirements of today's database applications.

Sincerely yours,
The SQL Maestro Group Team