Thread: Call for Presentations: Postgres Open 2012

Call for Presentations: Postgres Open 2012

Selena Deckelmann
Postgres Open welcomes your talks and workshops for our conference.
Presentations should be oriented towards the business or development
user of PostgreSQL, and should have substantial technical content.
Submissions are due by 11:59pm, June 26, 2012.

Submit them here:

Currently we are looking for seven kinds of talks:

Briefs (20min): short technical topics, product introductions, and
mini-case studies.

Scaling (50min): experiences, tools and technical details of how you
scaled PostgreSQL to meet unusual challenges. Talks about scaling
typically cover PostgreSQL in high throughput or high concurrency
environments, big-data, data-warehousing, sharding and replication for
scaling purposes.

Products (50min): technical presentations on your PostgreSQL-related
product or project, either open source or proprietary.  These should
cover both the "how" and the "why" of usage.

HOWTOs (50min): Brief DBA or developer-oriented presentations of how
to solve a problem, accomplish a task, or achieve a goal with
PostgreSQL and related tools.  This includes performance tuning,
application development, database architecture, and features.

Innovations (50min): Presentations on new PostgreSQL features and
related projects or ones in development.  Cutting-edge code, tools and
techniques with users can make use of today are welcome.

Case Studies (50min): Detailed stories on how a company or
organization accomplished extraordinary things with PostgreSQL, or how
they migrated from another DBMS.  Preferably, Case Studies should be
presented or co-presented by a member of the organization involved.

Workshops (3 hours): hands-on tutorials which thoroughly ground
attendees in a particular technology, technique, product or tool.
Workshops should include demonstrations, audience interaction, and
optionally,  guided hands-on exercises.  If attendees need to arrive
with specific software installed, please note it in the talk

Postgres Open is dedicated to providing high-quality content to
attendees. As such, we request that all presenters be executives, team
leaders, engineers or architects (not sales or marketing line staff).
Presentations should have substantial technical or educational
content. If you have questions about whether or not a particular
presentation topic is appropriate, please contact

Submit them here:

Submissions are due by 11:59pm, June 26, 2012.