Thread: Free PaGoDump & PaGoRestore utilities for PG v9.1 are out

Free PaGoDump & PaGoRestore utilities for PG v9.1 are out

Pavel Golub

PaGoDump and PaGoRestore are GUI Windows utilities for backing up and
restoring a PostgreSQL database fully compatible with native
pg_dump\pg_restore utilities.

New version of free utilities provides full PostgreSQL 9.1.x support.

You're welcome to download the latest release from our website at:

Full changelog:

    [+] v9.1.3 dump & restore libraries (pgdump-9.1.3.dll, pgrestore-9.1.3.dll)
    [+] v9.1.3 client libraries added
    [*] Connection library ignores ENOTDIR errors when looking for an SSL client certificate file
    [*] PaGoDump's handling of inherited table columns improved
    [-] Arbitrary limitation on length of common name in SSL certificates removed
    [-] Compression of plain-text output format in PaGoDump fixed
    [-] Contents of an extension's configuration tables aren't dumped if the extension itself is not being dumped
    [-] Fix PaGoDump to dump user-defined casts between auto-generated types, such as table rowtypes
    [-] Missed quoting of foreign server names in PaGoDump fixed
    [-] Newlines are converted to spaces in names written in PaGoDump comments
    [-] Platform-specific infinite loop in PaGoDump avoided

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

With best wishes,