Thread: PostgresDAC v2.8.0 is out!

PostgresDAC v2.8.0 is out!

Pavel Golub
Hello, community.

PostgresDAC is direct access components for PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB
and Pervasive Postgres. It allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder
applications with direct access to PostgreSQL/EnterpriseDB/Pervasive Postgres DB without BDE and ODBC.

What’s new in v2.8.0:

This important release introduces support for MacOSX using RAD Studio
XE2, greatly improves FireMonkey support, and fixes nasty bug with rare TPSQLMonitor freezing.

Full changelog:

[!] FireMonkey and cross platform support improved a lot
[!] Support for custom connection parameters added to TPSQLDatabase.Params
[+] EPGLibraryNotFoundException class introduced
[+] TPSQLDatabase.OnException event added
[+] TPSQLDatabase.Ping method added
[+] TPSQLDatabase.UseSingleLineConnInfo property added
[+] TPSQLNotify polling loop rewritten using threads
[*] Handling of "libpq library not found" exception improved
[*] Nag trial screen removed
[*] OS GUI dependencies eliminated. Console application creating improved a lot
[-] "XE and higner applications hang on close if TPSQLMonitor used" bug fixed

You're welcome to download the PostgresDAC v2.8.0 right now at:
or login to your private area on our site at

With best wishes,