Thread: HTSQL 2.2 RC1 : a high-level query language

HTSQL 2.2 RC1 : a high-level query language

"Clark C. Evans"
Today we announce a release candidate for HTSQL 2.2,
a high-level query language for relational databases.
HTSQL is specifically designed for data analysts & web
developers and makes writing and maintaining complex
queries a pleasure.  HTSQL can be used as a command-line
utility or as a web service.

In this release we added a beautiful query editor with
syntax highlighting & completion.  We also implemented
a new configuration system to provide granular meta-data
customization and calculated table attributes for
commonly used query fragments.


For a detailed list of changes, see

Let's us know if you have any questions!

Clark C. Evans & Kirill Simonov

  HTSQL -- A Query Language for the Accidental Programmer

HTSQL ("Hyper Text Structured Query Language") is a high-level query
language for relational databases.   The target audience for HTSQL is
the accidental programmer -- one who is not a SQL expert, yet needs a
usable, comprehensive query tool for data access and reporting.

HTSQL is also a web service which takes a request via HTTP, translates
it into a SQL query, executes the query against a relational database,
and returns the results in a format requested by the user agent (JSON,
CSV, HTML, etc.).

Use of HTSQL with open source databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite) is
royalty free under BSD-style conditions.  Use of HTSQL with proprietary
database systems (Oracle, Microsoft SQL) requires a commercial license.
See ``LICENSE`` for details.

For more information,
        The HTSQL homepage
        Get taste of HTSQL
        The HTSQL tutorial
        HTSQL source code

        IRC chat in #htsql on freenode
        The mailing list for users of HTSQL

HTSQL is copyright by Prometheus Research, LLC.  HTSQL is written
by Clark C. Evans <> and Kirill Simonov

Generous support for HTSQL was provided by the Simons Foundation.
This material is also based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant #0944460.