Thread: PostgreSQL + Java Stacks availability

PostgreSQL + Java Stacks availability

Scott Mead
Hello all,

OpenSCG is proud to announce the immediate availability of a brand-new developer bundle:

  Glassfish 3.0.1    + PostgreSQL 9.0.2 (released 19-Jan-2011)   
Along with an update to our existing JBoss bundle:

   Jboss 6.0.0 (GA) + PostgreSQL 9.0.2 (released  9-Jan-2011)

These are just 2 of our 4 great bundles;  These developer friendly Java 6 bundles provide a clean & simple sandbox for trying out the latest versions of PostgreSQL & OpenJDK integrated with:
[ Tomcat | JBoss | GlassFish | Resin ].  

If you have comments or questions (or just want to help us build our wiki :-), come on over and sign up for our 'general' mailing list: ( ).

Happy Developing!

Scott Mead
PostgreSQL, Java & Linux Experts