Thread: PaGoDump & PaGoRestore v9.0.0 are out

PaGoDump & PaGoRestore v9.0.0 are out

Pavel Golub
Hello, people.

Microolap Technologies is happy to announce that new version of
GUI utilities for backing up and restoring a PostgreSQL database
provides full PostgreSQL 9.x support.

New version of utilities provides full PostgreSQL 9.x support.

You're welcome to download the latest release from our website at:

PaGoDump changelog:
[!] Support for PostgreSQL 9.x introduced
[+] Allow to dump comments attached to columns of composite types
[+] Make "Verbose Messages" option output the client and server versions in text output mode
[*] Make "Drop Database" option also remove large objects
[-] Fix to properly dump large objects when standard_conforming_strings is enabled

PaGoRestore changelog:
[!] Support for PostgreSQL 9.x introduced
[*] Make "Clean Objects" option also remove large objects
[*] Now emits large-object data in hex format when generating script output

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

With best wishes,