Thread: PGXN Development Project

PGXN Development Project

"David E. Wheeler"
I'm pleased to announce the launch of the PGXN development project.

PGXN, the PostgreSQL Extension Network, is modelled on CPAN, the Perl community's archive of "all things Perl." PGXN
willprovide four major pieces of infrastructure to the PostgreSQL community: 

* An upload and distribution infrastructure for extension developers
* A centralized index and API of distribution metadata
* A website for searching extensions and perusing their documentation
* A command-line client for downloading, testing, and installing extensions

We have started the fundraising phase of the project now. Thanks to founding sponsors and PostgreSQL
Experts,Inc., we're already 2/5 of the way to our goal. Complete details of the project -- including the specification,
implementationplan, and  fundraising FAQ -- are on the site. 


PostgreSQL Experts, Inc.