Thread: RHQ 3.0.0.B02 has been released - includes Jopr

RHQ 3.0.0.B02 has been released - includes Jopr

Heiko W. Rupp
The RHQ and Jopr development team is proud to have released version 3.0.0.B02 of the RHQ Systems management and
monitoringsoftware - this 
developer release contains the Jopr bits.

RHQ is a management platform for everything from the OS level load and network metrics through common databases to
applicationservers and projects. The system includes support for monitoring and/or managing Apache httpd, Apache
Tomcat,JBoss Application Server, PostgreSQL, and other popular open source projects. RHQ runs on PostgreSQL 8.2.4+ and
Oracleas backend databases and is written in Java. 

RHQ features a powerful agent plugin model that allows for the quick development of monitoring and management support
fornew projects and software. It supports inventory auto-discovery, rich monitoring and alerting, operational control,
configurationmanagement, content deployment, log tracking, and full history and auditing. It supports fine-grained
securityand rich group management. 

This release, which is not intended for production, delivers a host of new functionality over the previous releases of
theRHQ and Jopr management projects. It delivers pluggable alert senders, the possibility to directly edit remote
configurationfiles along with the structured view of them, improvements to the  
inventory tree, UI extensions via perspectives and a lot more.

You can learn more about RHQ (and download it) at where you will also find the release notes.
