Thread: PostgreSQL Conference West (10/16-10/18) registration now open

PostgreSQL Conference West (10/16-10/18) registration now open

"Joshua D. Drake"
Registration for PostgreSQL Conference West 2009 is now open.

PostgreSQL Conference West is the PostgreSQL Conference for PostgreSQL
enthusiasts, DBAs, users and developers who are on the West Coast of the
United States. West, combined with its sister conference East provides
an annual venue for all PostgreSQL community members and sponsoring
companies in the United States. To register point your web browser here:

Being held at Seattle Central Community College from October 16th 2009
through October 18th 2009, West is set to be the venue for PostgreSQL
education, advocacy and technical information transfer.

A small sampling of the talks and tutorials available at the conference
is below:

Secure PostgreSQL deployment
XML Data Warehousing in PostgreSQL
Monitoring your PostgreSQL databases with Hyperic
Unit Test Your Database!
Practical Object-Oriented Models in SQL
Elephant Roads: a tour of Postgres forks
5 Steps to PostgreSQL Performance
Bucardo (Multi-Master replication)
PostgreSQL Backup and Recovery
Temporal Data
Not Just UNIQUE: Generalized Index Constraints
PostgreSQL, Extensible to the Nth Degree: Functions, Languages, Types,
Python utilities for data presentation
Java and Postgresql
Implementing the Future of PostgreSQL Clustering with Tungsten

To register for the conference point your favorite Web Browser to
The United States (PgUS) PostgreSQL Association website:

If you are planning on attending it is strongly suggested you join
the attendees mailing list here:

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