Thread: Request for proposals: Python Conference Argentina 2009 - 1st Local & Spanish Speaking Python Conference

PyCon Argentina -
First Argentina (Spanish - Latin America) Python Conference
Buenos Aires - September 4th and 5th, 2009 - Argentina

PyAr, the Argentina Python User Group, is proud to present the 1st
annual PyCon Argentina, in Buenos Aires for this year.

The event is expected to join Developers, technologists, programmers and
hackers; bloggers, authors and web developers; CTOs, managers and
entrepreneurs; scientists, engineers and domain experts, and free software
community in general.

We're especially interested in 45' presentations that will teach
conference-goers something new and useful.
Can you show attendees how to use a module? Explore a Python language
feature? Package an application?

Submit your talk proposal here:
Please follow the instructions carefully.

The proposals should be submitted preferably in Spanish.
If you can't or need help, please ask in advance so it can be translated.

Submission deadline is June 29th, 2009 23:59 ART.

Suitable topics for PyCon Argentina presentations related to PostgreSQL
include, but are not limited to:
 * Python libraries and extensions: psycopg2, pygresql, pypg, etc.
 * Databases: plpython (one talk already proposed), py-postgresql
 * Business applications
 * OpenSource Projects

PyCon Argentina is organized and run by volunteers from the Python
community. Anyone can help, and all help is very much appreciated.
If you blog, please let your readers know about PyCon. A blog badge is a
nice way to enhance such a post:

PyCon Argentina is a free (as in beer) community conference.
We keep the costs low to make PyCon Argentina accessible to the greatest
range of community members possible.
This means that PyCon Argentina cannot offer payment to conference
speakers.  Conference registration, accommodations, and transportation are
the responsibility of the speakers.

However, financial aid will be available, and speakers who pay their own
way are encouraged to apply.
Giving a talk is a great rationale when requesting aid.
If you require financial aid in order to attend PyCon, please note it in
your proposal and be sure to apply.

The local PostgreSQL users group (ArPUG) may have a physical space for
community and promotional purposes.
Please contact us if you have related materials or ideas about this.

If you have questions, please send to

Mariano Reingart
Argentina PostgreSQL User Group