Thread: Npgsql2 RC2 Released!!

Npgsql2 RC2 Released!!

"Francisco Figueiredo Jr."
 Hi, all!!

 The Npgsql Development Team is proud to announce the Npgsql2 RC2 release!

 Npgsql is a .Net Data provider written 100% in C# which allows .net
 programs to talk to postgresql backends. Npgsql is licensed under BSD.
 More info can be obtained from

On the highlights, thanks to Josh Cooley, we have support for newer
version of EntityFramework 3.5sp1

We fixed problems about networkstream seek not supported exceptions.

Also, we fixed a lot of problems with connection pool.
Mono version of Npgsql wasn't using connection pool at all. Now it uses it.
So, if you have a a heavy Npgsql usage pattern, you will benefit from this fix.

You can see full changelog and release notes here:

You can dowload it from here:

I'd like to thank Josh Cooley for all his help and support.

Thank you to all who helped us with this release with feedback, bug
fixes, bug reports and comments.
We couldn't make it without your help. Thank you very much!

Please, give it a try and let us know if you have any problems.
Check out our forums:


Francisco Figueiredo Jr.