Thread: pyreplica 1.0 released

pyreplica 1.0 released

"Mariano Reingart"
First release of PyReplica, a PostgreSQL Python-based Master/Slave
replication system (influenced by slony & londiste)

Project Site:

It is programmed in Python, aimed to be simple and flexible, allowing:
 * Easy installation (just run a sql script on the server, and copy a python
daemon on client, no compilation required)
 * Easy administration (almost no management needed for normal usage)
 * Easy (manual) customization (simple and extensible python scripts)
 * Efficient (low memory and network footprint)
 * Multiplatform: runs on linux and windows. Tested on Debian and Windows

It consist on a plpythonu master log trigger (py_log_replica) and slave
client script (

Simple installation and daemon scripts are provided
For more information, see README.txt and INSTALL.txt in the released zip
Spanish documentation also available (LEEME.txt and INSTALAR.txt)

Best regards,