Thread: ANN: PostgreDAC ver.2.4.0 released

ANN: PostgreDAC ver.2.4.0 released

Vadim Kapochenia
PostgresDAC 2.4.0 released (10/02/2007)

You're welcome to download the PostgresDAC v2.4.0 right now at: ,


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Full list of current changes:
[*] Use 8.2.5 sources and client libraries
[*] TPSQLTools will Commit transaction before VACUUM processing if needed
[*] Now TPSQLDatabase.Execute method supports query parameters and caching
[*] Low level mask comparing routines improved
[*] Exception will be raised instead of MessageDlg call in case if libpq.dll is not found
[*] TPSQLDirectQuery component added
[+] TPSQLDatabase: SelectString and SelectStringDef methods added
[+] TPSQLDatabase.Reset method added
[+] TPSQLDatabase.CancelBackend method added to cancel a backend's current query
[-] Filters didn't work correctly in some cases
[-] "TPSQLTools can't perform Reindex within the current database
    if DatabaseName needs quoting" bug fixed
[-] "TPSQLDataset.PSExecuteStatement method fails if used with parameters" bug fixed
[-] "Recordcount function moves cursor to EOF if Filtered is True" bug fixed