Thread: SchemaCrawler for PostgreSQL

SchemaCrawler for PostgreSQL

I wanted to announce SchemaCrawler for PostgreSQL, a command-line tool to output your database schema and data in a readable form.
SchemaCrawler is free, open-source, operating system independent, command-line tool that can take human-readable snapshots of the schema and data, for later comparison. Comparisons are done using a standard diff tool. SchemaCrawler outputs details of your schema (tables, views, procedures, and more) in a diff-able plain-text format (text, CSV, or XHTML). SchemaCrawler can also output data (including CLOBs and BLOBs) in the same plain-text formats.
SchemaCrawler Grep is another tool that comes with the SchemaCrawler download. SchemaCrawler Grep that allows you to search for certain column names within the database schema.
I have bundled SchemaCrawler (and SchemaCrawler Grep) for PostgreSQL into a pre-packaged download, and it includes everything that you need to work with PostgreSQL.
SchemaCrawler for PostgreSQL is available at SourceForge:
The SchemaCrawler website is
Sualeh Fatehi.