Thread: PostGIS 1.1.5 available

PostGIS 1.1.5 available

Markus Schaber

The 1.1.5 maintenance release of PostGIS is now available. This is a
very minor bugfix and compatibility release. Upgrading is recommended.

The following changes have occurred:
- Java:
  - Removed obsolete synchronization from Jts code.
  - Fixed nullpointer Exception in Geometry.equals() method
  - Added EJB3Spatial.odt to fulfill the GPL requirement of distributing
    the "preferred form of modification"
- Added -S option for non-multi geometries to shp2pgsql
- Updated heavily outdated README files for shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp by
  merging them with the manpages.
- Fixed MingW link error that was causing pgsql2shp to segfault on Win32
  when compiled for PostgreSQL 8.2

Thanks for your patience,
Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

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