Thread: pgEdit 1.2 released

pgEdit 1.2 released

John DeSoi
Date: is pleased to announce the release of pgEdit 1.2, a
powerful tool for PostgreSQL database development and administration.
Changes since the release of version 1.1 include:

* New grid-based query browser tool. Result sets of any size are
efficiently handled using automatic cursor management.

* Definition (e.g. function, table, trigger) parsing and searching

* Added option to store preferences (e.g. last connection, syntax
mode, character encoding, etc.) in comments within the source file.

* Implemented multiple-level undo operations.

* Compatibility with PostgreSQL 8.1 (includes psql 8.1). Added tab
completion support for new 8.1 SQL commands.

* Integrated PHP 5.1 which includes support for prepared statement
processing and execution.

pgEdit 1.2 operates in trial mode for 30 days without a registration
key. There are no feature limitations or restrictions during the
evaluation period.

See for screenshots and a complete list of
pgEdit features.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL