Thread: [ANN]: Database Designer for PostgreSQL RC1

[ANN]: Database Designer for PostgreSQL RC1

Edward Smirnov

MicroOLAP would like to invite to a late stage of the pre-release
testing of the Database Designer for PostgreSQL.

What is Database Designer for PostgreSQL?

Database Designer for PostgreSQL is an easy CASE tool with intuitive
graphical interface allowing you to build a clear and effective
database structure visually, see the complete picture (diagram)
representing all the tables, references between them, views, stored
procedures and other objects. Then you can easily generate a physical
database on a server, modify it according to any changes you made to
the diagram. Database Designer for PostgreSQL is specially developed
for the PostgreSQL database.

The important changes since the beta announced here:

1. Database Modification engine was completely rewritten.
   Modifications of the database are performed using the fast ALTER
   statements, the overall accuracy of the process is refined.

2. Diagram opening was greatly speeded up.

3. Improved keyboard support in the table editor.

4. Ability to choose a foreign key column(s) or automatically build
   a new one(s) when you create a reference.

5. Reverse Engineering from MS Access was improved.

6. UNDO-REDO functionality fixed.

7. Improved Support of early versions.

8. Progress bars are showed during the time-consuming operations.

9. A bunch of other bugs were fixed.

We'd be glad to offer a free license Database Designer for PostgreSQL
to those who will help us in developing the product by sending their
useful and detailed bug-reports.

To participate in beta-testing program:

1. Visit the beta section of our site:

2. Enter your login and password you have on our site. If you aren't
   registered yet, please register here:

3. Click the appropriate button to approve your participation in beta
   testing program.

4. Download the latest build of the product.

5. You are welcome to our support system with your bugs reports and

Best regards,
microOLAP team