Thread: Released pgExpress Driver v3.50

Released pgExpress Driver v3.50

Vita Voom Software
(Please ignored if already received)

Hello PostgreSQL Announce,

Vita Voom Software just released a new version of pgExpress Driver:
v3.50. This is a new major version, incorporating bugfixes.

About the pgExpress Driver:

The Vita Voom pgExpress PostgreSQL dbExpress Driver is a Borland
Kylix/Delphi 6+/C++ Builder 6.0+ dbExpress Driver that directly access
PostgreSQL 7.1 or newer: no ODBC layer is needed. It can access use
almost all field types, and is compliant to the Borland specifications
of dbExpress drivers.

Changes in this version include:

ADDED: PostgreSQL v8.10 support.

ADDED: New ByteaMode Special Param maps from bytea to Blob/Graphic,
Blob/Binary or Blob/VarBytes. Please check the revamped BLOBs
documentation for more details.

ADDED: New NumericAsBcd to map numeric fields as Bcd (instead of
FmtBcd). Default is False, keeping compatibility with the previous

ADDED: Documentation enhancements.

CHANGED: Interval fields now are mapped as varchar(100), since they're
not natively support by the VCL/CLX.

CHANGED: The old TextAsBlob special param got renamed to TextAsMemo.
Only those who set it as False need to care about this, since it's
default behavior is kept.

FIXED: Log fixes (TSQLMonitor related).

FIXED: Fixed a bug that would prevent the libpq specified on the
TSQLConnection.Vendorlib to be loaded.

FIXED: Fixed some license bugs.

FIXED: Fixed a BLOB bug that could raise "Connection in wrong state"
messages on certain situations.

FIXED: Fixed a couple bugs with NUMERIC (Bcd) parameters.

FIXED: Fixed a small Stored Procedures bug.

FIXED: Fixed a date parsing bug for date/datetime types.

FIXED: Fixed logs registration data printing.


For checking the pgExpress page in our web site, and downloading it,
please go to

Thanks for your attention.

Best Regards,
Vita Voom Software