Thread: Administrator 2.0 Alpha / Visual Explain 2.0 Beta

Administrator 2.0 Alpha / Visual Explain 2.0 Beta

Patrick Macdonald
First things first: the "Red Hat Database Project" is now known as
the "PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition Project" to align ourselves with
other groups within Red Hat.  New name - same project and team.

And now on to the important stuff.

The latest development version of the PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition
Graphical Tools Suite is available for checkout.  The Administrator
is still under development (with respect to PostgreSQL 7.3 support)
so we're calling it an alpha.  Visual Explain is functionally
complete so it's being released as a beta.  The tools have been
tested on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 and Red Hat Linux 8.0
using PostgreSQL 7.3 / 7.2 backends.

The Administrator and Visual Explain source code can be checked out
from our cvs repository at

Enhancements to the tools include, but are not limited to:

Administrator 2.0-Alpha
 . Limited support for new functionality introduced in PostgreSQL 7.3
   backends (schemas, operator classes, etc)
 . Table Data Viewer to browse data
 . Increased tool navigation capabilities
 . Import / Export support
 . Full privilege support

Visual Explain 2.0-Beta
 . Full support for PostgreSQL 7.3 backends
 . Ability to save and restore resultant plans
 . Stop button provided to halt Explain / Explain Analyze thread
 . Support for modifying GUC variables
 . Tooltips for tree nodes show total time or cost
 . Additional node information (node time, percentile of time, etc)
