Thread: a library software toolkit

a library software toolkit


Is the toolkit I have developped for art center libraries and
documentary services. I think that it may be easily transformed for most

For the moment the user mode only is available. The administration
interface is being translated and upgraded to the 1.1 version.
Eventually the JSP pages and the database schema will be available for
download. The licence will be GPL or LGPL(convince me to use another
licence if you will) for this english language version.  A Paypal
donation button will appear on the site at the same time as the files. A
commercial French version exists and is in constant development and
activly being sold to art centers throughout France.

The application was developped in Dreamweaver and is being maintained in
Dreamweaver MX so that it may be personalized by the end user. Tomcat
4.x app server and Postgresql 7.2.1.

Vital statistics: 8900 artists, 4500 authors, 2100 editors and 5100
books and magazines.

This database has been in use since January. No major bugs have surfaced
to date (touching wood here).

Questions and comments to


Tony Grant

RedHat Linux on Sony Vaio C1XD/S
Macromedia UltraDev with PostgreSQL