Thread: Released pgExpress Driver v0.95

Released pgExpress Driver v0.95

"Steve Howe"

        It is with great pleasure that Vita Voom Software releases the
pgExpress Driver version 0.95. This is a major version; many internal
changes have been made to support Stored Procedures and other features. The
driver was rewritten in about 60%.

        The main highlights for this new version are:
            * UPDATES. Now pgExpress makes it possible to
delete/insert/update queries automagically :)
            * PostgreSQL 7.2 support. Not much had to be done, but it's
            * Stored Procedures support. Since PostgreSQL currently has no
real support for stored procudures, they are emulated through Functions
(created by using "create function" SQL statments).
            * Translations. The driver can be translated to your own
language. Added also Portuguese translation of the driver.
            * Many internal optimizations, bufixes and other features. The
list is too long to be added here, but you can check the Changelog.htm file
inside the distribution, or check it online by going to
        For checking the pgExpress page in our web site, and downloading it,
please check .

Best Regards,
Steve Howe
Vita Voom Software