Thread: PostGIS 0.5 Released

PostGIS 0.5 Released

Paul Ramsey
Refractions Research is pleased to announce the 0.5 release of PostGIS :
Geographic Objects for the PostgreSQL object-relational database server.
PostGIS/PostgreSQL is a spatial database much like ESRI's SDE and
Oracles OracleSpatial.

PostGIS/PostgreSQL includes the following functionality:

- Simple Features as defined by the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC)
- Support for Well-Known Text and Well-Known Binary representations of
GIS objects
- Fast spatial indexing using GiST
- Geospatial analysis functions
- PostgreSQL JDBC extension objects corresponding to the geometries
- Support for OGC access functions as defined by the Simple Features

The 0.5 release of PostGIS includes support for the MapServer internet
web mapping server from the University of Minnesota
( Download the latest CVS version of
MapServer to use PostGIS as a internet web mapping backend.

Other changes:

- New functions
  - Dimension()
  - GeometryType()
  - Envelope()
  - X(), Y(), Z()
  - NumPoints()
  - PointN()
  - ExteriorRing()
  - NumInteriorRings()
  - InteriorRingN()
  - NumGeometries()
  - GeometryN()
  - Length_Spheroid()
  - Length3D_Spheroid()
  - AsBinary() + XDR and NDR variants
  - force_collection()
- New Objects
    To be used with the length_spheroid functions for accurate
    length calculations on lat/lon data. (Thanks to Geographic
    Data BC and David Skea)
- Minor bug fixes
- Internal Functions
  - Extra constructors to make geometry manipulation easier
- Structural Reorganization
  - Broke postgis.c up into four new files
    postgis_debug.c -- debugging functions
    postgis_fn.c -- generic functions (like length())
    postgis_ops.c -- operators and indexing functions
    postgis_inout.c -- type support functions and data conversion