Thread: PsqlODBC 07.01.0005 Available for Download

PsqlODBC 07.01.0005 Available for Download

Dave Page
I have compiled the latest ODBC driver code (07.01.0005) for Win32, and made
it available for download at
The following text is taken from download.html which can be found at

From version 07.01.0005, there are 3 distributions to choose from:

Full <> - The full
installation is around 3Mb. This is a zip archive containing a self
extracting .exe file which will install the Microsoft Installer on you PC,
and PsqlODBC. The Microsoft Installer only needs to be installed once on any
machine, and is shipped with Windows 2000 and higher. Users of pgAdmin
should already have the Microsoft Installer as well.

MSI <> - If you already have
the Microsoft Installer then this is the recommended distribution. It is
under 200Kb and is a zip archive containing as single Installer Database
(.msi file). Just double click the file from Windows Explorer to install it
(if Windows doesn't know what to do with it then you need the Full
distribution). The MSI installation may also be installed from the command
line, for example sysadmins may want use a logon script to automatically
(and optionally silently) install on/upgrade to all the workstations on
their network. This installation will automatically upgrade any previously
installed Full or MSI versions of PsqlODBC.

DLL <> - The DLL distribution
is a zip archive of around 100Kb containing the ODBC Driver DLL file only.
This distribution is not recommended as it will not install the required
registry settings on your machine.

Regards, Dave.