Thread: Re: the stolen items report

Re: the stolen items report

Peter Mount
This is a slight apology for the stolen items report I made a few hours ago.

I seem to have sent this report to a few mailing lists I shouldn't have. This
is part due to my still getting used to Kmail (the KDE email client - Before a
couple of weeks ago, I was using Pine).

Any how, when I sent it, I sent it to the correct email lists, but it included
both the TASS and Postgresql Announce lists.

Sorry for the inadvertant cross post, as it's not relevent - nor useful to go
out to those lists. I'm getting annoyed with KMail, as even dragging an email
is not certain to pick up the correct email/

Anyhow, the following is the reply I'm sending to those who have replied direct
to me.


Due to the nature that the theft involved weapons, I had to notify
certain lists, especially as one of the items is extremely hard to come by here
in the UK (ie, the wolf skin).

However, seeing that I had just got back from a beer festival (when I
discovered this), I selected one list too many.

Sorry ;-)


Again sorry for the incorrect posting. Hopefully I either find the bug in
Kmail, or I return to good old PINE, which has been faithful for the last five


Peter T Mount                Tel +44 (0) 7990 898443         Homepage
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