Thread: Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática is looking for PostgreSQL speakers


CLEI 2015 would really like to have some major PostgreSQL contributors
speak there.  Hence, if someone can, I'll pitch funding any difference
between conference compensation and your travel costs.

Here's their request (It's not clear whether Spanish fluency is a


This year we are holding the XLI Latinamerican Conference in Informatics
in Arequipa, Peru, from October 19th to 23rd.
CLEI is the latin american conference in computer science. This is the
most important event in our region and involves 15 countries from the US
to Chile and also Spain. We have 11 symposiums inside CLEI, all of them
with an international Program Committee. We expect around 160 speakers
from more than 30 countries.
For such an important Conference, we want to have the presence of
important researchers, companies and open source projects. I hope you
can help us contacting one of the lead developers of PostgreSQL, so we
can invite him to give a Key Note.



Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.