Thread: PyCon Argentina 2012: Student works contest - Call for Proposals - Financial Aid

PyCon Argentina 2012: Student works contest - Call for Proposals - Financial Aid

Mariano Reingart
The 4º Python Conference in Argentina will be held on November 12th -
17th at the National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

This year, PostgreSQL will be a main topic at the conference, and a
PgDay will be held on parallel at the same venue:

PyCon Argentina Call for Proposals deadline is 30th June, 2012:

A Student Paper Contest is proposed for the promotion of academic
activities carried out at high schools, colleges or universities by
students of Computer Science and related careers.

There is a set of grants to help people attend PyCon Argentina 2012.
If you would like to come to the conference but can't afford it, you
can apply for Financial Aid here:

Be aware that our budget is limited to Argentina and nearby countries,
speakers who pay their own way are encouraged to apply.
Giving a talk is a great rationale when requesting aid.

Please spread the word and let other, interested people know about
this conference.
The badge is available at:

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart
PyCon Argentina 2012 Chair