Thread: Postgres Open CFP closes tonight at 11:59pm :)

Postgres Open CFP closes tonight at 11:59pm :)

Selena Deckelmann
Our CFP for Postgres Open closes at midnight. If you know anyone who
works with Postgres or related technologies, we're interested in
hearing from them!

Happy to accommodate folks who are only hearing about this today and
extending the deadline through the weekend until Monday.

We are looking for six kinds of talks:

Briefing (20min): A non-technical presentation about a case study, or
a new product or service, or a very short technical presentation about
a single technique or tool.

Scaling (50min): experiences, tools and technical details of how you
scaled PostgreSQL to meet unusual challenges of high throughput, big
data, or both.

Products (50min): technical presentations on your PostgreSQL-related
product or project, either open source or proprietary. These should
cover both the "how" and the "why" of usage.

HOWTOs (50min): Brief DBA or developer-oriented presentations of how
to solve a problem, accomplish a task, or acheive a goal with
PostgreSQL and related tools. This includes performance tuning,
application development, database architecture, and features.
Innovations (50min): Presentations on new PostgreSQL features and
related projects or ones in development.

Case Studies (50min): Detailed stories on how a company or
organization accomplished extraordinary things with PostgreSQL, or how
they migrated from another DBMS.

Workshops (3 hours): hands-on tutorials which thoroughly ground
attendees in a particular technology, technique, product or tool.


-- - me