Thread: Marketing/PR professionals list started

Marketing/PR professionals list started

Josh Berkus

You may have noticed that we've not had much success getting marketing and
PR staff from the many companies which support PostgreSQL to join this
list.  I discussed that with some of the people involved, and the result
has been launching a separate list,

For now, this list is closed-archive and invitation-only, due to expressed
concerns about posting pre-release information and marketing plans to a
publically archived mailing list.  Depending on what content actually ends
up getting discussed on the list, we may open it in one way or another in
the future.  Our "community watchdogs" on the list are me, Bruce and
Robert so it doesn't end up becoming anyone's private domain.

In the meantime, I have already invited 15 people from 11 different
companies to join the list.  If your company did not get invited, it's
because I wasn't sure who the marketing or PR people at your company were,
or because I contacted the wrong address, or I just missed you in all the
cut-and-paste work.  Please identify yourself so that I can add you right

Given personal circle, the initial list of invitees was somewhat
US-centric; I'd really like to know who in our European, Japanese, South
American and other countries needs/wants to be involved.

Of course, the members of the list will be encouraged to join and
participate in this list as well.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco