Thread: LFNW 2006

LFNW 2006

Adrian Klaver
LinuxFest Northwest is an annual event hosted by several LUGS in the Northwest
Washington state area. It draws participants from an area encompassing
Portland,Oregon to Vancouver-Victoria, British Columbia. This year the Fest
will be held Saturday April 29, 2006 at the Bellingham Technical College
Bellingham WA. A more detailed explanation can be found at the link listed
below. I am posting this as a Call for Presenters on the subject of
PostgreSQL. Over the years there have been quite a few presentations based on
MySQL and not so many on PostgreSQL. I use PostgreSQL and may present on its
use. That being said I and others would profit from other viewpoints. Any
help in this regard would be greatly appreciated. You may respond through
either the Call for Presenters link on the website or by email to me.

Thank you
Adrian Klaver