Thread: 2 discounts available for European project people

2 discounts available for European project people

Simon Riggs
I have 2 nominations for a 50% discount for anybody that wishes to
attend EuroOscon later this month.

If you are about to register for EuroOscon, contact me and I will send
you by private mail a special discount code that will allow you to pay
only 50% of the fee.

- Do not apply if you are just *thinking* of going, you must be about to

- One discount per person and per company

- Europeans only. As in, I live in Europe now.

- My decision is final. This is a kindness from me to you.

- If this doesn't work for any reason, please speak to O'Reilly, not me.
I have no connection with them, other than they have chosen to grant me
some special discounts, and I am passing them on to you.

Please stop replying when you see a huge trail of responses.

Best Regards, Simon Riggs