Thread: Re: PostgreSQL enterprise references

Re: PostgreSQL enterprise references

"Merlin Moncure"
> > I need to provide data for a compuer illiterate CFO to
> > stand an argument with Oracle zealots on whether new
> > ERP system should be based on Oracle or PostgreSQL.
> > CFO  looks extremely favorably towards PostgreSQL but
> > asks for some real-life examples of using PostgreSQL in
> > finantial applications. Shannon Medical Center,
> > Mohawk Software, Vanten Inc. and BASF case studies
> > provided on Advocacy web page do not quite qualify.
> > Are there some other examples?

Many companies do not like this type of information broadcast over the
internet.  In fact, one of the big reasons to go with PostgreSQL is that
you can deploy it when and where you want to without asking a Microsoft
or an Oracle first.  Even if money is not a big issue I just can't stand
other people having their fingers in my pie.

My company, which develops ERP software decided after a great deal of
debate (and tireless advocacy by me) to adopt PostgreSQL to host our
application (porting it from a legacy ISAM based system).  PostgreSQL's
unique programmability features make this possible.  Our first company,
a 150 user installation over 4 plants went online Dec 1 and despite
minor warts the project has been a success.  This is on the heels of a 2
year effort to develop ISAM capability on top of the database.  Note
that I would not even bother asking my client for permission to be named
on an advocacy list because the answer would be a resounding 'no'.

I can't claim to be 'enterprise', but I know what the database can do
and if you have any choice at all about adopting a platform you are
absolutely crazy not to choose Postgres.  This is not because I'm a
zealot or I think it's cool but because I was able to use the database
to make myself and the people around me money.
