Thread: Website suggestions (long)

Website suggestions (long)

Alexey Borzov

I am not sure if it is the appropriate list for website discussion, but here goes.

In a rather long (as usual) recent MySQL vs. PgSQL thread one area was mentioned
where MySQL wins hands-down: website usability. I *do* know they have a paid
webmaster and PostgreSQL project does not, but there are some small improvements
that can be done and that will *dramatically* improve the usability of the site.

Below is a review of the PostgreSQL website's layout, with improvement suggestions.

There are three navigation blocks:
1. Main menu
2. Left column
3. Right column

* Main menu problems
The main menu is done in an *extremely* small white letters on blue-grayish
background, which does not promote readability. It is also worth noting that
current position within website is not highlighted in any way. The menu consists
of the following:
1. Download
2. Mirrors
3. Lists
4. Users
5. Developers
6. Docs
7. Search
The menu is also duplicated at the bottom, but the entries are named
*differently* there and there is a link to the "store" added there...

The main menu is usually used for navigation *within* the website, yet
'Developers' point to the external site ( and 'Mirrors'
is used for the selection of WWW mirror. As for the other entries, let's review
the linked pages:
1.1 Download: this leads immediately to mirror selection for *server* download.
There are *no* links for drivers and manager-type software, no link to cygwin
port, etc. As for the mirror selection, the stuff on PHP's website looks much
I.e. why do I need three Russian flags with "Russia" written below 'em? I'd like
one flag and three links mentioning where *exactly* the mirrors are.

1.3 "Lists of what exactly?" The better name for this will be "Mailing Lists".
Users' and developers' mailing lists should really be grouped together. While
there is a group of "Inactive" lists (what for, BTW?), some of the active ones
(f.e. pgsql-hackers-win32) are not present.
1.4 Users? The name tells *nothing* about the contents of the page it links to.
A better name would be "Overview" or "About", more on this below.
1.6 This page is OK, only the difference between "static" and "interactive"
documentation is not immediately obvious, it should be explained that
"interactive" == "with user comments".
1.7 It is a good usability practice to have search form on *every* page. There
can be a link from this form to the "advanced search" page.

* Left navigation column problems
There are currenty five entries in the column:
1. What is...
2. Licence
3. Case studies
4. User survey
5. GBorg
My feeling is that this navigation block is *completely unnecessary*

2.1 The link says "Find out more about what PostgreSQL is", but takes to the
page about PostgreSQL Development Group on advocacy (!). This link should be
moved to the overview page.
2.2 The linked document gives the text of the license, but fails to give the
explanation of it (and this is can be a major point in PgSQL vs. MySQL debates).
This link should be moved to the overview page.
2.3 The link is to the advocacy site. This link should be moved to the overview
2.4 Is it really necessary to have the survey on *every* page? IMO it's better
to keep it on front page only.
2.5 GBorg is a TERRIBLE name for a site. Maybe rename it to 'forge' or
something? Nonetheless, the link to the site itself is present in the right
column, and the links to individual projects should be moved to download page.

* Right navigation column problems
The two uppermost links are for contacting the webmasters and submitting a bug.
This implies that these are the most *common* tasks. Is this the impression we
are trying to achieve? The contact link should be moved to the bottom of the
page, the bug-reporting link (probably) to the Documentation and Overview pages
(it is already mentioned on Lists page).

The other stuff is OK, except should be added to the
websites part, and entry for Russian language in International section should be
titled by language name, not country name. ;)

Summary of proposed changes:

1. Main menu should be more prominent, current position in the website should be
highlighted. The following entries should be left in the menu:
1.1 Overview (or About)
This should contain the current contents of 'Users' page, links to case studies,
information on PGDG and PostgreSQL license.
1.2 Download
This should contain links to mirror selection server download, client
interfaces, manager software and cygwin port (at least). Mirror selection can be
1.3 Documentation
1.4 Mailing lists

2. A search form should be added on every page below (?) the main menu.

3. WWW mirror selection should be a separate link somewhere near the main menu.

4. Left navigation column should be removed.

5. gborg should be renamed to something more pronounceable and easier to understand.

6. Right navigation column should contain the links to "external" community
websites, no "contact the webmasters" or "report a bug" links. It can also be
made a bit wider.

There are also design issues, I'll mention them separately:
1) Is it really needed to have a fixed-width website?
2) Is it possible to make the logo in .gif or .png? Logo with JPEG artifacts
looks *extremely* unprofessional.

And final questions:
1) What is the best maillist to discuss website issues? I *can* write directly
to the webmasters, but prefer having a place to publicly discuss the stuff and
have it archived somewhere.
2) Is website's source available somewhere in anon CVS? If it is, it would be
possible to create patches.
3) Are there plans to install some real bug tracking software for PostgreSQL and
related projects? It would be much better IMO to submit all this stuff as
separate small bug reports than to make you all read through this quite long

Thanks for the attention.