Thread: Re: Offer to assist

Re: Offer to assist

Josh Berkus

> So I guess the question is how and where to get started. Do you want us to
> look at a project coordination role or do you want to direct us to produce
> material, given some specific guidelines? And in which of the areas that we
> have mentioned? e.g. website, documentation, explanatory material, etc.

I discussed this with our WWW group.   I don't think we're ready for you to
get involved *as a company* in our web-site redesign yet; we're still too "up
in the air" about what we want.   And our current hold-up is not so much
design as the technical stumbling block of multi-lingualism, for which we
have a solution, but implementation is difficult.

However, if any of your PHP/HTML people want to join the WWW group as
individuals, I think they would be welcome.   Have them e-mail Dave Page
( with a brief statement of how they might want to
help.  Our current website standard is just PHP, no Java or Perl for the
simple reason that PHP is easy for newbies to pick up.

> Give it some thought. I suggest that you start with something
> straightforward that we can do to get used to working with your
> organisation before you give us anything too ambitious.

Agreed.  My suggestion:  We are currently lacking quality printable marketing
materials.    We'd like to have:

-- Better bullet-point marketing text than what is up on

-- A handout targeted at the programmer/developer extoling the technical
virtues of PostgreSQL and the benefits of our community.

-- A brochure (?) targeted at corporate management, extoling the virtues of
PostgreSQL, our license, and PG's comparability to commercial software.

-- An improved set of logos & branding materials.

I think any of these would be good places for you to start, as these are
self-contained efforts which don't require coordinating existing community
volunteers while you get to know us better.

Go ahead and join the PGSQL-ADVOCACY list to get more feedback on potential
content for all of the above.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco