Thread: LSM 2003

LSM 2003

Jean-Louis Leroy

between the 9th and 12th of July the fourth Libre Software Meeting
will take place in Metz, France.

The LSM encourages people working on free software to meet, talk
together and have fun :-) It's especially nice to have presentations
of competing free software products.

As the chairman of the 'Database' theme, I'd like to invite a
representative of the Postgres community.

I have also sent invitations to the mySql and Castor folks. I will
give a talk about Tangram ( its
recent developments in multi-language (Perl, Java, C++), multi-backend
(XML, Relational, Binary, etc) middleware.

You can find information about the previous LSM meetings at; the website for the 2003 edition is not ready yet but we
do have a wiki: (mostly in French at his
time I'm afraid).

Please let me know ASAP if you're interested.

Jean-Louis Leroy
Sound Object Logic