Thread: Extracting JSON data into columns

Extracting JSON data into columns

"Ferrell, Denise SDC"
Running PostgreSQL 9.3 on Linux.
I'm looking for the syntax to extract JSON values into columns from one incoming column in file.
Thank you in advance.

Re: Extracting JSON data into columns

"David G. Johnston"
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Ferrell, Denise SDC <> wrote:
Running PostgreSQL 9.3 on Linux.
I'm looking for the syntax to extract JSON values into columns from one incoming column in file.
Thank you in advance.

​Not tested...​

​WITH json_data (jd) AS (
VALUES ('{"key":"value", "key2":"value2"}'::json)
​SELECT jd->>'key' AS col1, jd->>'key2' AS col2
FROM json_data​

Also useful is the:



Try them and ask specific questions if you still have them.  Incorporating a self-contained example like mine lowers the bar for others to provide useful help.

Also consider upgrading to 9.5 if you expect to do heavy JSON work - features for this type have been being added at a good clip these past couple of years.

David J.