Thread: Error: for dblink view
Objective :
1. Create new user (Ex. piam_card ) in postgres database
2. Create view (Ex. attendance ) using dblink functionality. The view will be created in Database 2 & view will have the inner join with database 1 tables
3. The newly created user (piam_Card) must have readonly permission to created view (attendance)
Please provide the steps to achieve above functionality.
View Defination:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_piam_cardswipes AS
SELECT DISTINCT events.alarmdiscription AS doorno,
replace(to_char(events.controllerdate::time without time zone::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS'::text), ':'::text, ''::text)
AS occurrencetime,
to_char(events.controllerdate::date::timestamp with time zone, 'ddmmyyyy'::text) AS occurrencedate,
resset.employeeid AS ecno,
events.idalarm AS "inout",
events.eventid AS recid,
events.cardnumber AS event_cardnum,
FROM events
JOIN dblink('port=5432 dbname=PIAMDB', 'SELECT employeeid, cardnumber as map_cardnum, status
FROM piamapp.mapping_cardholder_card'::text) resset(employeeid character varying, map_cardnum bigint, status integer)
ON events.cardnumber::bigint = resset.map_cardnum
WHERE events.idalarm = 1 OR events.idalarm = 2;
ALTER TABLE view_piam_cardswipes
OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE view_piam_cardswipes TO postgres;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE view_piam_cardswipes TO piam_card;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE view_piam_cardswipes TO dblink_regression_test;
COMMENT ON VIEW view_piam_cardswipes
IS 'This view return the card swipe entries ';
I have referred below url , but still not able to succeed.
I am getting different errors:
1. Below error after using above url setting.
ERROR: password is required
DETAIL: Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a password.
HINT: Target server's authentication method must be changed.
ERROR: password is required
SQL state: 2F003
Detail: Non-superusers must provide a password in the connection string.
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