Thread: Easy way to know the original table row/column given a pg_toast.pg_toast_XXXX chunk_id ?

Easy way to know the original table row/column given a pg_toast.pg_toast_XXXX chunk_id ?

Achilleas Mantzios
just a general question regarding toast, we have run across various instances of problems
having to do with corrupted toast data as a consequence of hardware failures.
The ERRORs were of the type : "missing chunk number %d for toast value %u in %s"
The usual way people try to find the row in the original table is to try a (potentially large)
number of queries in a effort to narrow down the problem, and finally find the row
with the corrupted TOAST.
(yes i know writing a program to do it would be handy, unfortunately the said server of ours
lies somewhere in some ocean with limited ISDN connectivity, so in general deployments are a big PITA)

I understand the chunk_id is the "oid" of the "value" to be toasted, is there any way to get to the row/column
of the toasted table, faster than the aforementioned exhaustive search?

What i did in order to research this (not in a context of a specific problem)
was in my test server, to create a new row in some toasted table, and then find the newest additions (chunk_id) to the
corresponding toast table. But i could not find a way (via pg_* relations) to somehow link the new row of the original
to the set of new rows (chunk_id, chunk_seq) in the toast table.

Achilleas Mantzios
Head of IT DEV
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 7:03 AM, Achilleas Mantzios
<> wrote:
> I understand the chunk_id is the "oid" of the "value" to be toasted, is
> there any way to get to the row/column
> of the toasted table, faster than the aforementioned exhaustive search?

I guess there are no way to do it except the search. Try to look at
this article [1], it perfectly describes what one needs to do in such
cases as yours, and contains all the automation stuff also. Hope you
will find it useful.


Kind regards,
Sergey Konoplev
PostgreSQL Consultant and DBA
+1 (415) 867-9984, +7 (901) 903-0499, +7 (988) 888-1979

On 25/01/2014 01:01, Sergey Konoplev wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 7:03 AM, Achilleas Mantzios
> <> wrote:
> [...]
>> I understand the chunk_id is the "oid" of the "value" to be toasted, is
>> there any way to get to the row/column
>> of the toasted table, faster than the aforementioned exhaustive search?
> I guess there are no way to do it except the search. Try to look at
> this article [1], it perfectly describes what one needs to do in such
> cases as yours, and contains all the automation stuff also. Hope you
> will find it useful.
> [1]

Very useful, Thank you!

Achilleas Mantzios
Head of IT DEV
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt