Thread: Database just hangs at startup

Database just hangs at startup

Terry Khatri
I am having problems making any connection to the database, it was working fine and problems started when I added a wrong cidr in pg_hba.conf to allow connection from other hosts in the network,  I took out that entry and restarted it but it just does not work it starts up fine but all connections just hang forever, whether I try it with psql or pgadmin III.
Here are the contents of pg_hba.conf


local all all trustit

# IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5

host all all trust

# IPv6 local connections:

host all all ::1/128 trust

# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the

# replication privilege.

#local replication sns84 trust

host replication sns84 trust

host replication sns84 trust

host replication sns84 ::1/128 trust



Here are the logs

,LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2012-10-16 01:45:00 UZT

,LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress

,LOG: record with zero length at 0/1B95BF48

,LOG: redo is not required

,LOG: autovacuum launcher started

,LOG: database system is ready to accept connections

,WARNING: pgstat wait timeout

,WARNING: pgstat wait timeout

,WARNING: pgstat wait timeout

,WARNING: pgstat wait timeout

,WARNING: pgstat wait timeout

,WARNING: pgstat wait timeout




Please help me fix it, I am using version 9.2




Re: Database just hangs at startup

Tom Lane
Terry Khatri <> writes:
> I am having problems making any connection to the database, it was working
> fine and problems started when I added a wrong cidr in pg_hba.conf to allow
> connection from other hosts in the network,  I took out that entry and
> restarted it but it just does not work it starts up fine but all
> connections just hang forever, whether I try it with psql or pgadmin III.

> listen_address='^'

Well, that setting is certainly wrong.  Perhaps you meant

            regards, tom lane

Re: Database just hangs at startup

Scott Whitney
I'd hate to contradict Tom, and since ^ is probably a typo, and you likely meant *, yes, that's likely, but be sure you understand the implications of listening on all interfaces first. Just saying from an IT point of view.
Tom Lane <> wrote:
Terry Khatri <> writes:
> I am having problems making any connection to the database, it was working
> fine and problems started when I added a wrong cidr in pg_hba.conf to allow
> connection from other hosts in the network,  I took out that entry and
> restarted it but it just does not work it starts up fine but all
> connections just hang forever, whether I try it with psql or pgadmin III.

> listen_address='^'

Well, that setting is certainly wrong.  Perhaps you meant

regards, tom lane

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Re: Database just hangs at startup

vipul shah

It looks like typo in local line in pg_hba.conf. I work in pg8.4 and 9.1 but I think that there is nothing like 'trustit' in pg_hba.conf file in 9.2.

local all all trustit

Change this to

local all all trust

Vipul Shah

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Scott Whitney <> wrote:
I'd hate to contradict Tom, and since ^ is probably a typo, and you likely meant *, yes, that's likely, but be sure you understand the implications of listening on all interfaces first. Just saying from an IT point of view.

Tom Lane <> wrote:
Terry Khatri <> writes:
> I am having problems making any connection to the database, it was working
> fine and problems started when I added a wrong cidr in pg_hba.conf to allow
> connection from other hosts in the network,  I took out that entry and
> restarted it but it just does not work it starts up fine but all
> connections just hang forever, whether I try it with psql or pgadmin III.

> listen_address='^'

Well, that setting is certainly wrong.  Perhaps you meant

regards, tom lane

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