Thread: Would you like to provide the Product Code of PostgreSQL releases?
I am Tim Yao, a software developer from Neusoft. Co. Ltd.
In one of our product, PostgreSQL 8.3 is one of the software dependencies. So before installing our product, I need to check if PostgreSQL 8.3 or other versions have been installed.
This function is achieved by scanning the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\{Product Code}" key of registry.
Currently, we know the product of PostgreSQL 8.3 is {B823632F-3B72-4514-8861-B961CE263224}. Would you like to provide the product codes of other releases? I could not find them on the internet.
And in the future releases, where can I find the new product codes?
Kind regards,
Tim Yao (姚文景)
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