Thread: LDAP AUTH / IDENT question

LDAP AUTH / IDENT question

Evan Sarmiento

I have an interesting problem I hope to have help with. I am running PgSQL and there is a database user called 'admin'
withall privileges and a password 'X' let's say. I am trying to move this server to use the local active directory
serverfor authentication. Now, everyone depends on this 'admin' password being 'X' and there's no way I can simply add
theuser 'admin' to the AD server because there already is one. 

Now, I know you can make a mapping like

System-username database-username

But, if I enable LDAP for all authentications, how does this work?

If I am user Y and I connect using PHP let's say DBConnect('admin', 'X') and I have the mapping that user Y can connect
asadmin, will it fail because the password was defined locally in pgSQL and not AD? Do I have to login as admin now
withmy own password and not admin's password? 

- Evan
