Thread: multiple standby configuration

multiple standby configuration

Silvio Brandani
Is it possible to have multiple host destinations in the archive_command
parameter of postgresql.conf to be able to mantain 2 standby datbase
with write ahead log???

Can we use something like:

archive_command = '/usr/bin/scp -Cv "%p"
host_standby1:/var/lib/pgsql/archivelog/"%f" && /usr/bin/scp -Cv "%p"
host_standby2:/var/lib/pgsql/archivelog/"%f" '

But in this case if the first scp fail, will skip the second scp command ???


is it possible to architect a cascading standby ,  that means a
secondary standby  with the archivelog shipped by the first standby
 primary-> standby1->standby2

Thanks a lot

Silvio B.


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Re: multiple standby configuration

Jens Wilke
Am Dienstag 31 August 2010 11:36:31 schrieb Silvio Brandani:

> Is it possible to have multiple host destinations in the archive_command
> parameter of postgresql.conf to be able to mantain 2 standby datbase
> with write ahead log???

You have to write a shell script and run this as archive command.
The shell script can copy the wal files to multiple locations.

> is it possible to architect a cascading standby ,

IIRC, this should be possible in 9.1

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