Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Has anyone seen this while running pg_dumpall?

Re: [GENERAL] Has anyone seen this while running pg_dumpall?

Tom Lane
"Penrod, John" <John.Penrod@STJUDE.ORG> writes:
> edb=# select version();
>                                        version
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  EnterpriseDB on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.0
> (1 row)

> Has anyone seen this while running pg_dumpall?

> [enterprisedb@sjmemedbt1 cluster]$ pg_dumpall > full_bu_sjmemedbt1_091028a.dmp
> pg_dump: NOTICE:  [HINTS] Unrecognized Const type.
> pg_dump: NOTICE:  [HINTS] Unrecognized Const type.

Not around here, because there is no such message in the standard
Postgres sources.  Presumably it's coming from some EDB-specific code.
I suggest you take it up with EDB's support.

            regards, tom lane