Thread: Problem after upgrade to 8.4.1

Problem after upgrade to 8.4.1

Andrzej Zawadzki
Hi<b>!</b><br /> Probably this post should be sent on "bugs" list but I'm subscribed only here and on preformance@<br
/>Any way:<br /><br /> Last week we upgraded our database server from 8.3 to 8.4.1 (nothing more changed).<br />
Postgresql-8.4was build in exactly the same environment like 8.3 was.<br /><br /> Problem: we have an application that
retrievesscans (100 files in pack), looks for barcodes inside them and tries to assign them to the records.<br /> In
addition,some data is transferred to another schema ("b").<br /> This transaction is quite long... but worked perfectly
on8.3 now transformation ended like below :-(<br /><br /> 32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 16:59:27 CEST][0] LOG:  execute
S_1:BEGIN<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 16:59:27 CEST][0] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM
scan_document_imageWHERE scan_session_id = $1 AND received_document_id IS NULL AND status_id <> 2 ORDER BY id<br
/>[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 16:59:27 CEST][0] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '2063'<br /> [32100][[unknown]][2009-10-04
16:59:30CEST][0] LOG:  connection received: host= port=46240<br /> [32101][[unknown]][2009-10-04 16:59:30
CEST][0]LOG:  connection received: host= port=46241<br /> [32100][region][2009-10-04 16:59:30 CEST][0]
LOG: connection authorized: user=region database=qs<br /> [32101][region][2009-10-04 16:59:30 CEST][0] LOG:  connection
authorized:user=region database=qs<br /> [32102][[unknown]][2009-10-04 16:59:30 CEST][0] LOG:  connection received:
host=<br /> [32102][region][2009-10-04 16:59:30 CEST][0] LOG:  connection authorized:
user=regiondatabase=qs<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 16:59:33 CEST][0] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT *
FROMprintout_copy WHERE id = $1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 16:59:33 CEST][0] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
'581832'<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 16:59:33 CEST][0] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO
received_document    (id ,
scan_session_id,printout_copy_id,printout_id,receive_user,receive_tmstp,received_document_type_id     )     VALUES (<br
/>        DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6       )     RETURNING id AS id<br /><br /> [...]<br /><br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  UPDATE b.person SET
last_person_hist_id= $1, history_generate_id = 0 WHERE id = $2<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '1374223', $2 = '658040'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SET CONSTRAINTS b.last_person_hist_id_fkey IMMEDIATE<br /><br /> Last well
donecommand (before was ~50 sets like this one)<br /> And here is last set of commands in transaction<br /><br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM uzytk WHERE login = $1
ORDERBY id LIMIT 1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'agencja'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM
b.person_identity_documentWHERE  person_id = $1 AND series = $2 AND number = $3  AND updating_tmstp < $4  ORDER BY
updating_tmstpDESC LIMIT 1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
'658040',$2 = 'AHZ', $3 = '056074', $4 = '2009-09-22 15:59:22.9133+02'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO b.person_identity_document     (id ,
)    VALUES (          DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12    )     RETURNING id AS id<br
/><br/> HIDDEN VALUES<br /><br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:
SELECT* FROM zobow WHERE kredytob=$1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1
='3139017'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM
uzytkWHERE login = $1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL: 
parameters:$1 = 'agencja'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:
SELECT* FROM b.person_obligation WHERE  person_id = $1    AND obligation_type_id = $2    AND total_amount = $3    AND
monthly_amount= $4    AND start_date = $5    AND end_date = $6    AND bank_name_id = $7    AND bank_name_other = $8   
ANDcurrency_id  = $9    AND updating_tmstp < $10  ORDER BY updating_tmstp DESC LIMIT 1<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '658040', $2 = '1', $3 = '0', $4 = '150',
$5= NULL, $6 = NULL, $7 = '-1', $8 = '', $9 = '1', $10 = '2009-09-22 15:59:22.9133+02'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO b.person_obligation    
)    VALUES (          DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13       )     RETURNING id AS
id<br/><br /> HIDDEN VALUES<br /><br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute
<unnamed>:INSERT INTO b.person_credit     (id ,
person_id,person_hist_id,role_id,spouse_role_id,credit_data_id     )     VALUES (          DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4,
$5        RETURNING id AS id<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
'658040',$2 = '1374223', $3 = '1', $4 = '-1', $5 = '1102245'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426]
LOG: execute <unnamed>:  SELECT *  FROM preselling p  WHERE true  AND = -1<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  UPDATE kredytstatus SET
b_credit_data_id= 1102245 WHERE kredytid = 2787619<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG: 
execute<unnamed>: SELECT as id, as borrower_id,   k.kredytid AS credit_id,   $1 AS
printout_type_idFROM kredytob k LEFT JOIN printout p ON (p.borrower_id = AND p.printout_type_id = $2)  , kredytob
k2,kredyty c WHERE true  AND = $3  AND k.pesel = k2.pesel  AND k.kredytid =   AND c.datazaw >=
'2008-3-4'    AND <>       AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM received_document rd WHERE rd.printout_id = NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM received_document_link rdl WHERE rdl.printout_id =<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '1', $2 = '1', $3 = '3139017'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO received_document    
(id, scan_session_id,printout_copy_id,printout_id,receive_user,receive_tmstp,received_document_type_id )     VALUES
(<br/>         DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6       )     RETURNING id AS id<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04
17:00:46CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '2063', $2 = '610563', $3 = '-1', $4 = NULL, $5 = '2009-10-04
17:00:45.701000+02:00:00', $6 = '2'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute
<unnamed>:UPDATE scan_document_image SET received_document_id = $1, page_number = $2 WHERE id = $3<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '221532', $2 = '1', $3 = '242373'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM printout_copy WHERE id
=$1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '599066'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM printout_copy WHERE id
=$1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '610563'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM printout WHERE id =
$1<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '505437'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM scan_document_image
WHEREreceived_document_id = $1 AND status_id <> 2 ORDER BY page_number, id<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04
17:00:46CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '221532'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426]
LOG: execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM kredytob WHERE id = $1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '3136912'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG: 
execute<unnamed>: INSERT INTO historia (kredytid, statusrodz, statusid, fraud_status_id, visibility_id,
hq_visibility_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL: 
parameters:$1 = '2785554', $2 = '155', $3 = '-1', $4 = '-1', $5 = NULL, $6 = NULL<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04
17:00:46CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM kredyty WHERE id=$1<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '2785554'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  select * from region where id =
$1<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '40'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM linie WHERE id = $1<br
/>[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '599'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT tmstp_from FROM
borrower_histWHERE borrower_id = $1  UNION  SELECT tmstp_from FROM sygma_borrower_hist WHERE borrower_id = $2  ORDER BY
tmstp_from<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '3136912', $2 =
'3136912'<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT *  FROM
borrower_histbh    LEFT JOIN sygma_borrower_hist bbh      ON (bh.borrower_id = bbh.borrower_id AND bbh.tmstp_from <=
$1AND bbh.tmstp_to > $2)  WHERE bh.borrower_id = $3    AND bh.tmstp_from <= $4    AND bh.tmstp_to > $5<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '2009-09-21 16:09:44.0363+02', $2 =
'2009-09-2116:09:44.0363+02', $3 = '3136912', $4 = '2009-09-21 16:09:44.0363+02', $5 = '2009-09-21 16:09:44.0363+02'<br
/>[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT *  FROM borrower_hist bh 
WHEREbh.borrower_id = $1    AND bh.tmstp_from <= $2    AND bh.tmstp_to > $3<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04
17:00:46CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '3136912', $2 = '2009-09-21 16:09:44.0363+02', $3 = '2009-09-21
16:09:44.0363+02'<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT
exists(    SELECT 1    FROM kredytstatus ks, b.person p, b.person_credit pc    WHERE ks.kredytid = $1      AND
ks.b_credit_data_id= pc.credit_data_id      AND pc.person_id =      AND p.pesel = $2  )<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '2785554', $2 = '46062203047'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT c.*  FROM kredytstatus ks,
b.credit_datac  WHERE ks.kredytid = $1    AND ks.b_credit_data_id =<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '2785554'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG: 
execute<unnamed>: SELECT * FROM uzytk WHERE login = $1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04
17:00:46CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'postdb'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426]
LOG: execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO b.credit_data     (id ,
)    VALUES (          DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19,
$20,$21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29       )     RETURNING id AS id<br /><br /> HIDDEN VALUES<br /><br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM b.person WHERE pesel =
$1<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '46062203047'<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM uzytk WHERE login = $1
ORDERBY id LIMIT 1<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'agencja'<br
/><br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM d_citizenship
WHEREtrue    ORDER BY (CASE WHEN id=-1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END),           nazwa<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SET CONSTRAINTS b.last_person_hist_id_fkey DEFERRED<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO b.person     (id ,
)    VALUES (          DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19,
$20,$21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, $43,
$44,$45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50, $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, $56, $57, $58, $59, $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66, $67,
$68,$69, $70, $71, $72, $73, $74, $75, $76, $77, $78, $79, $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87, $88, $89, $90, $91,
$92,$93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $100, $101, $102, $103, $104, $105, $106, $107, $108, $109, $110, $111, $112,
$113,$114, $115, $116, $117, $118, $119, $120, $121, $122, $123, $124, $125, $126, $127, $128, $129, $130, $131, $132,
$133,$134, $135, $136, $137, $138, $139, $140, $141, $142, $143, $144, $145, $146, $147, $148, $149, $150, $151, $152,
$153,$154, $155, $156, $157, $158, $159, $160, $161, $162, $163, $164, $165, $166, $167, $168, $169, $170, $171, $172,
$173,$174, $175, $176, $177, $178, $179, $180, $181, $182, $183, $184, $185, $186, $187, $188, $189, $190, $191, $192,
$193,$194, $195, $196, $197, $198, $199, $200, $201, $202, $203, $204, $205, $206, $207, $208, $209, $210, $211, $212,
$213,$214, $215, $216, $217, $218, $219 )     RETURNING id AS id<br /><br /> HIDDEN VALUES<br /><br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  INSERT INTO b.person_hist ( id ,
person_id, tmstp_from,tmstp_to ) VALUES (       DEFAULT  , $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14,
$15,$16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38,
$39,$40, $41, $42, $43, $44, $45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50, $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, $56, $57, $58, $59, $60, $61, $62,
$63,$64, $65, $66, $67, $68, $69, $70, $71, $72, $73, $74, $75, $76, $77, $78, $79, $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86,
$87,$88, $89, $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $100, $101, $102, $103, $104, $105, $106, $107, $108,
$109,$110, $111, $112, $113, $114, $115, $116, $117, $118, $119, $120, $121, $122, $123, $124, $125, $126, $127, $128,
$129,$130, $131, $132, $133, $134, $135, $136, $137, $138, $139, $140, $141, $142, $143, $144, $145, $146, $147, $148,
$149,$150, $151, $152, $153, $154, $155, $156, $157, $158, $159, $160, $161, $162, $163, $164, $165, $166, $167, $168,
$169,$170, $171, $172, $173, $174, $175, $176, $177, $178, $179, $180, $181, $182, $183, $184, $185, $186, $187, $188,
$189,$190, $191, $192, $193, $194, $195, $196, $197, $198, $199, $200, $201, $202, $203, $204, $205, $206, $207, $208,
$209,$210, $211, $212, $213, $214, $215, $216, $217, $218, $219 , $220  , $221, $222 ) RETURNING id AS id<br /><br />
HIDDENVALUES<br /><br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  UPDATE
b.personSET last_person_hist_id = $1, history_generate_id = 0 WHERE id = $2<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04
17:00:46CEST][970426] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '1374224', $2 = '658041'<br /> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46
CEST][970426]LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SET CONSTRAINTS b.last_person_hist_id_fkey IMMEDIATE<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 10027008<br />
[32096][azawadzki][2009-10-0417:00:46 CEST][970426] STATEMENT:   SET CONSTRAINTS b.last_person_hist_id_fkey
IMMEDIATE<br/> [32096][azawadzki][2009-10-04 17:00:46 CEST][970426] LOG:  execute S_2: ROLLBACK<br /><br /> I can
repeatthis behavior on all my test and production servers. If I run this last transaction block separately everything
worksfine.<br /> What could be wrong? Some bad adjustments? On the 8.3 works well...<br /><br /> ps. sorry for html but
IMHOlooks better.<br /><br /> -- <br /> Andrzej Zawadzki<br />