I am having a problem getting the Windows client to work with my Solaris database using SSL connections.
In the postgresql\8.3\bin directory there are the libpq.dll andssleay32.dll libraries. I am fairly certain by the tests I have conducted that the client is trying to use SSL but the error in the server log is "could not accept SSL connection: cipher or hash unavailable"
What do I need to do on the server to get the client to use a valid cipher?
My psql client on the Solaris box using localhost as my connection works with:
Cipher: EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, bits: 168
And my Java clients connect successfully as well.
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/ssl-tcp.htmlhttp://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/stat ... q-ssl.htmlhttp://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentatio ... lient.html