Thread: getting 'full' names of functions?

getting 'full' names of functions?

"Jan-Peter Seifert"

before I reinvent the wheel I'd like to know whether there's a shortcut for getting the 'full' name (incl. argtypes) of
thefunctions within a database in order to REVOKE priviliges on them given to certain users. 
I don't see anything in the docs:

Obviously you can't just use the specific_name from information_schema.routine_privileges for this.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Computer Bild Tarifsieger! GMX FreeDSL - Telefonanschluss + DSL
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Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Ashish Karalkar
Jan-Peter Seifert wrote:
> Hello,
> before I reinvent the wheel I'd like to know whether there's a shortcut for getting the 'full' name (incl. argtypes)
ofthe functions within a database in order to REVOKE priviliges on them given to certain users. 
> I don't see anything in the docs:
> Obviously you can't just use the specific_name from information_schema.routine_privileges for this.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thank you very much,
> Peter
May be this will help you:

FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
WHERE p.prorettype <> 'pg_catalog.cstring'::pg_catalog.regtype
AND p.proargtypes[0] <> 'pg_catalog.cstring'::pg_catalog.regtype
AND NOT p.proisagg
AND pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)
AND nspname != 'pg_catalog'


Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Tom Lane
Ashish Karalkar <> writes:
> Jan-Peter Seifert wrote:
>> Obviously you can't just use the specific_name from information_schema.routine_privileges for this.

> May be this will help you:

Easier is just
    select oid::regprocedure from pg_proc where <whatever>

            regards, tom lane

Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Hello Ashish, Hello Tom,

thank you very much for your quick and helpful replies - I really appreciate that.

> > May be this will help you:
> Easier is just
>     select oid::regprocedure from pg_proc where <whatever>

I guess I'll go with the very nifty type cast suggested by Tom though as this covers aggregate functions as well. This
possibilityshould be mentioned in the docs - together with the system information functions

Too bad that this function syntax isn't part of information_schema.

Thank you very much to both of you.

Computer Bild Tarifsieger! GMX FreeDSL - Telefonanschluss + DSL
für nur 17,95 ¿/mtl.!*

Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Hello Ashish, Hello Tom,

> > before I reinvent the wheel I'd like to know whether there's a shortcut
> for getting the 'full' name (incl. argtypes) of the functions within a
> database in order to REVOKE priviliges on them given to certain users.

I combined your suggestions into this query I'll be using for now:

SELECT DISTINCT n.nspname || '.' || p.oid::regprocedure::text FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p LEFT JOIN
pg_catalog.pg_namespacen ON n.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid) AND nspname !~*
'^pg_'AND nspname != 'information_schema'; 

Thank you very much again,

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen:

Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
> I combined your suggestions into this query I'll be using for now:

> SELECT DISTINCT n.nspname || '.' || p.oid::regprocedure::text FROM

This is flat *wrong*, as you'll soon find if you are working with
functions in more than one schema.  regprocedure already puts a
schema qualification on the name if one is needed.

            regards, tom lane

Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Date: wrote:

> Hello Ashish, Hello Tom,
> thank you very much for your quick and helpful replies - I really appreciate that.
> > > May be this will help you:
> >
> > Easier is just
> >     select oid::regprocedure from pg_proc where <whatever>
> I guess I'll go with the very nifty type cast suggested by Tom though as this covers aggregate functions as well.
Thispossibility should be mentioned in the docs - together with the system information functions
> Too bad that this function syntax isn't part of information_schema.
> Thank you very much to both of you.

note that this method doesn't produce a complete function
signature. the precision and scale of numerics are not
included in the output. hopefully, that won't matter for
your needs.


Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Hello raf,

> > > Easier is just
> > >     select oid::regprocedure from pg_proc where <whatever>

> note that this method doesn't produce a complete function
> signature. the precision and scale of numerics are not
> included in the output. hopefully, that won't matter for
> your needs.

Oh. So functions expecting e.g. numeric(5,2) as argument wouldn't be listed correctly? Is this going to be fixed then?
Fornow all I need is the 'full' function name necessary for GRANT/REVOKE. 

I guess this will do for now for 'non-numeric'-functions?:

SELECT DISTINCT p.oid::regprocedure::text FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid =
p.pronamespaceWHERE nspname !~* '^pg_' AND nspname != 'information_schema' 

Thank you very much,

Computer Bild Tarifsieger! GMX FreeDSL - Telefonanschluss + DSL
für nur 17,95 Euro/mtl.!*

Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Hello Tom,

> > I combined your suggestions into this query I'll be using for now:
> > SELECT DISTINCT n.nspname || '.' || p.oid::regprocedure::text FROM
> This is flat *wrong*, as you'll soon find if you are working with
> functions in more than one schema.  regprocedure already puts a
> schema qualification on the name if one is needed.

You are right. I was more concerned with getting the same number of functions as in pgAdmin III. There were two
'missing'because of pg_function_is_visible: 


They are obviously relicts from an earlier PostgreSQL-version. Could they cause problems if left be although the new
versionsare now in pg_catalog which obviously is being searched before all other schemata? 

But why is regprocedure not just addding the schema to all of the functions then?

Thank you very much,

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen:

Re: getting 'full' names of functions?

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
> Hello raf,
>>> Easier is just
>>> select oid::regprocedure from pg_proc where <whatever>

>> note that this method doesn't produce a complete function
>> signature. the precision and scale of numerics are not
>> included in the output. hopefully, that won't matter for
>> your needs.

> Oh. So functions expecting e.g. numeric(5,2) as argument wouldn't be
listed correctly? Is this going to be fixed then?

No, because it's not broken.  Precision/scale of numerics aren't
relevant to function signatures.  A function can take or return
a numeric, full stop --- it doesn't matter what the precision is.
The same goes for other type modifiers such as varchar maxlength.

            regards, tom lane